Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More Butterflies in The Tuesday Garden

The abundance of summer rainfall continues to keep the milkweed plant happy and, as a result of the prolific blooms, I have many butterflies all vying for a sip of the nectar.

In the background you can see my 'squash' plant leaves that are as big as dinner plates. This squash is called the Calabaza and the vines are trying to escape from the confines of the raised vegetable bed and creep their way over to the Bottlebrush where they will rampantly scramble up the branches and set fruit - more on that later. In the meantime the leaves are doing an excellent job of keeping the tomatoes shaded from the 90 F + degree heat.

I was able to sneak up on this Monarch and get some great close ups. 

Since I didn't fancy painting my face green and/or dressing up in my son's camo outfit in order to blend in with the bamboo, I decided upon trying to stay as still as possible while an irate carpenter bee, who was convinced I was going to steal her Spanish Needle pollen, buzzed madly around my head.

In short, if you plant it they will come. It takes a while to establish a butterfly garden. This year I planted more Pentas and Lantana.


When brushed across their leaves, Lantana sends up a delicious minty/lemony fragrance.


  1. Wow, I love your butterfly pictures! I need to plant some more milkweed!

  2. Those are fantastic photos!!

    I lost the milkweed that I had with Hurricane Wilma and never got it back.

    I do grow other things that attract butterflies though so they are flitting around here and there.

    They sure make a garden feel happy.

    Enjoy the rest of your week ~ FlowerLady

  3. Great captures of the Monarch!!! So pretty on the orange and yellow milkweed!!!


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