Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Goofy Wednesday Humor in The Garden

Since the squirrels are very greedy I have attempted to fool them by moving one of the bird feeders (cleverly disguised as a Cool Whip container) closer to the patio door - everyone knows that squirrels don't like Cool Whip.

"Where's My Lunch!"
The Cardinal however has no problem figuring out where his sunflower seeds went to. I believe having an aerial perspective might have clued him in.

"Hmm, that's funny.. the lunch special says 'Cool Whip.'"

I hadn't seen any Monarch Caterpillars for a week and then.......

"C-atty Arbuckle"

Whoaa! This "cat" is enormous!

A Bee-2-Bumble Bomber?

And while we are on the subject of large insects.......

I have never seen such a large bee. 

Mammoth Sunflower Seeds
This is "Sunflower Penitentiary" - a maximum security facility, for the inmates against marauding squirrels, raccoons, and evidently mice now.

I was going to upload a picture on how the swimming lessons are going for the lubber grasshoppers grosshoppers, but that's waay too dark humor. 

My husband came home from work, steps onto the patio and very casually remarks....seems like we have a lot going on out here.......

....and I just have no idea what the problem is..... :)

Hubbie's Patio Chair


  1. That "Sunflower Penitentiary" thing looks pretty impregnable! I could do with a few of those to keep the foxes off my seedlings. Is it purpose-built or was it originally for something else?

  2. It looks like the birds are definitely smarter than the squirrels. What do you do with the lubbers. Do you toss them in a bucket of water? They are so hard to get rid of.

  3. Hello Susan! Last year we only had a few of these voracious insects, this year we must have had over 100 hopping and feasting. I take one of those large buckets and fill it half way with water with a dash of dish detergent. I wear gloves to pick them off - but I can still feel them wriggling. Ugh!


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